IST educational programs are for students desiring to enter in the high-tech industry and for educators looking to become experts in instruction technology in a blended learning environment. Participant are provided with a learning experience in which they will have an opportunity to find solutions to real-world problems.

Enrolling with IST

Professional Development
Acellus Certification Training is an extensive blended learning workshop that is designed to empower both administrators and teachers to effectively deploy the Acellus Learning System.
This training event is held in Kansas City at the Institute of Science and Technology.

Volunteer Program
The International Academy of Science is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of science and scientific education. The Academy is currently seeking volunteers to assist with several diverse and innovative projects underway. The Academy’s projects and programs are aimed at making the world a better place in which to live.

Giving to the Academy
Whether making a financial gift, donating items, or volunteering, every contribution supports our mission to provide students with the best education possible.
There are many ways to give to the Academy. The Academy is a 501c(3), all contributions are tax deductable.