The Acellus Educator Training is an extensive certification and training event that is designed to empower administrators and teachers to effectively deploy web-learning programs. This three-day training is held at the campus of the Institute of Science & Technology (IST) in Kansas City.

Who Should Attend?
This training is for educators who will be involved in designing and managing the implementation of Acellus in their school or district. Educators attending will learn effective strategies for deploying Acellus in diverse programs, including credit recovery, special education, remediation, gifted, and advanced placement. They will also be trained on best practices for effectively managing and operating blended learning deployments. It is recommended that districts have at least one Acellus Certified Administrator at each school in the district.
Why Should I Attend?
Upon completion of this course, attendees will understand various models of Web-Learning and how they can be incorporated within various educational environments using Acellus. They will be familiar with successful strategies for implementing Acellus as well as how to configure classes in the system. Attendees will gain hands-on experience and basic troubleshooting skills for technology including Acellus GoldBook Pro Computers and GoldKey authentication. They will also be familiar with the tools and resources of the Acellus Courseware Development System.
The Acellus Educator Training attendees will have the opportunity to collaborate with educators from across the nation and will hear from districts recognized as “Showcase Districts” because of their effective and successful deployments of Acellus in their schools.
What Certification Will I Receive?
Attendees who demonstrate proficiency in setting up and configuring Acellus deployments will receive the Acellus Administrator Certification from IAS.
This certification indicates educators are prepared to help maintain a school or district implementation of the Acellus Learning System and to assist teachers with Acellus class setup and management.
Where Will It Be?
The Acellus Educator Training is held at the campus of the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) in Kansas City, MO. The campus of IST is located near to the Kansas City International Airport at:
7930 NW 110th St, Kansas City, MO 64153
Will I Get Continuing Education Credit?
Attendees with a passing grade will receive 20 professional development hours under the IST Professional Development program for educators. These credits are generally accepted.
Some districts require prior approval for re-certification and/or salary advancement. Attendees are responsible for obtaining any required pre-approvals from their district.
Required Materials
Required Materials
A Windows or Mac computer with an available USB port will be required at the training along with your Acellus Teacher GoldKey token.
Day One – Tuesday
Registration Opens at 8:00 am
Welcome — Dr. Pajet Monet, Chairman of IST
Opening Session
Acellus in Action — Highlights of Effective Acellus Deployments
~Dr. Anissa Reilly — Principal, New York City School District (NY)
~Marty Kobza — Superintendent, Superior Public Schools (NE)
~ Kevin Morris — Director of College, Career, and Community Services, Duarte Unified (CA)
~ Dr. Joshua Billings — Executive Director, Acellus Academy (MO)
Acelllus eLearning Administration
–Lunch Break–
The Challenge of Filming Acellus Gold Lessons
Report on the Amazing Success of Acellus STEM
Workshops (Sign up online at:
Day Two – Wednesday
Registration Opens at 8:00 am
Institute of Science and Technology
The Acellus Learning Accelerator
–Lunch Break–
The Acellus Student — Dr. Pajet Monet, Chairman of IST
Acellus Gold Launch — Dr. Roger Billings, President of IST
Workshops (Sign up online at:
Day Three – Thursday
Registration Opens at 8:00 am
The Acellus Virtual School Program
Acellus School Recovery Grant Program
–Lunch Break–
Acellus Challenge
Innovative Deployment Design Project Presentations