NEW ACELLUS COURSE: Collaborative Theatre
Acellus has released its latest career and technical education (CTE) course for high school -- Acellus Collaborative Theatre.
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NEW ACELLUS FEATURES: Expanded Student Resources
We have added two new features to our Acellus student resources that we believe will enhance the overall learning experience...
Continue ReadingAcellus Releases New CTE Course — Principles of Agriculture
“Principles of Agriculture” is a new Acellus CTE course that draws from subject matter covered in the Agriculture I and...
Continue ReadingAcellus Releases New SEL Course for Elementary Students
We have added a new course in Social Emotional Learning to our Acellus curriculum— this one as an elementary school...
Continue ReadingAcellus Releases New CTE Course — Agriculture II
Acellus is pleased to announce the release of a new CTE course, Agriculture II. This course is the second of...
Continue ReadingNEW Acellus Teacher Portal Updates
The Teacher Portal has been given a refresh with a few minor tweaks to navigation with the goal to significantly...
Continue ReadingTiny MagBots Move, Perform Tasks Via Magnetic Field
Excerpt from TalkScience with Roger Billings
Continue ReadingNew Airless Tires — Safer, Smoother, Stronger
Excerpt from TalkScience with Roger Billings
Continue ReadingPentagon’s “Jetson” Uses Heartbeat as ID Alternative
Excerpt from TalkScience with Roger Billings
Continue ReadingRobotic Lionfish Powered by Synthetic, Electrolytic “Blood”
Excerpt from TalkScience with Roger Billings
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