Spanish III

Course Features
Course Details
Course Overview
In Spanish III, students will gain cultural knowledge of Spanish speaking cultures around the globe. Students will learn to communicate with others and talk about a variety of topics such as past travels and vacations, an array of environmental topics, professions, parts of a city, and the importance of volunteerism and service learning opportunities.
This Acellus course is taught by Acellus Course Instructor Emily Brown.
Sample Lesson - Subjunctive Phrases

Scope and Sequence
Unit 1 – Vamos Afuera In this unit, students will learn to talk about vacations, particularly outdoorsy adventures -- animals, nature, camping, and the beach. They will be relying on the preterit and imperfect tenses. They will learn about vacation verbs, as well as how to describe past vacations. Unit 2 – Ayudemos a Otros In this unit, students will look at the importance of helping others, particularly as it pertains to volunteering. They will discuss places where they might volunteer, such as in hospitals, old folks' homes, and soup kitchens, and people they might encounter in a volunteer situation, such as the elderly, homeless, poor, and volunteers. In addition, they will learn to describe their volunteering experience. In terms of grammar, they will explore the concepts of informal and formal commands, impersonal expressions plus infinitive, and the future tense. They will also begin to think about a social action project - something they've always wanted to do - and learn to discuss funding and publicity for such a project. Unit 3 – El Planeta This unit focuses on the earth, our planet, and why it's so important to take care of it. Students will take a big step into present subjunctive, impersonal expressions, and future tense. They will rely heavily on present tense and its conjugations, and will learn two new tenses. They will learn planet-related nouns, verbs, people, and adjectives, and will discuss natural disasters and other problems, animals, and materials for recycling. Unit 4 – La Vida Laboral Students are gearing up to be working professionals. In this unit, they will learn to talk about and describe various professions, and to identify qualities they want - and don't want - in the workplace. They'll learn to "sell themselves" in the workplace -- to talk about what makes them qualified, and about professional goals. Their discussion about this will all be in the subjunctive, because at this point, they won't know if their dream job exists (so there is uncertainty). They will also be interweaving emotions throughout this unit - how they feel about upcoming jobs. Unit 5 – La Política This unit helps student learn to talk about politics. The unit includes little new vocabulary, using a lot of words students will recognize. Instead, here students focus on grammar, specifically future tense, present subjunctive, and preterit (car/gar/zar verbs). In addition, they will learn to talk about people who are involved in politics, and about political leaders and happenings, including political verbs, political descriptions, and past political events. Unit 6 – Vida en la Ciudad In this last unit of Spanish III, students will explore cities throughout Spanish speaking countries, including their layout and geography, and how their appearance might differ from American cities. Grammar study will include subjunctive (present) and present perfect tense. Students will learn to talk about places that are typical to most cities, such as a bank, a fruit market, or a bakery. They will learn to discuss common activities one might do in a city, as well as people commonly found there, and historical facts about cities. They will practice by describing their personal ideal city, as well as the history of their favorite place.
This course does not have any sections.