PE, Social, and Emotional Education – Elementary School

Course Features
Course Details
Course Overview
Dr. Pajet Monet uses the PE - Intro to Social Emotional Learning - Elementary School course as a platform from which to engage elementary-age students in a journey of discovering the social and emotional aspects of their lives, and how they can begin at an early age to use their attitudes and choices to improve their overall well-being and physical health. She imbues into the course a contagious positive attitude, as well as skills for handling day-to-day challenges that all students will face throughout their lives.
Sample Lesson - What You Think, You Feel

Scope and Sequence
Students explore the concept of living a balanced life. They learn how they can take charge of what their lives will become. They discover their own role as the artist who faces the blank canvas of life and makes it what they want it to be. They discover the concept of choices, how they can make and own their choices, and how they can use their choices to shape their lives. They study how to choose to have a positive perspective, and to cultivate awareness, as well as how to steer their own personal development. In addition, they gain understanding of setting goals, of the importance of dreaming and making their dreams happen, and of staying connected to reality. They explore having an attitude of "living" and the importance of cultivating an attitude of gratitude and of willingness. They study integrity, self control, perseverance, and procrastination, and they learn to see the magic that is inherent in their surroundings. They discover how to develop healthy emotional habits, as well as coping skills for bad times, and what it means to be a hero, how to spot one, and how to be one. They explore how to evaluate whether they are being courageous or reckless. They study what self esteem is, and they consider finding a place to go to when they need some time to deal with things. They learn about thinking traps and explore how they can deal with and avoid them. Students come to understand their emotions, and they gain strategies they can use to control them. They learn to observe their own thoughts and feelings. They explore where they can find joy, how and why they should breathe deeply and mindfully, understanding and dealing with stress, and what it means to let go. Students learn that everyone's feelings should be respected. They examine how they can choose their words carefully, gaining the understanding that they have the power and responsibility to build others and not hurt them through their words. Students study what it means to be a true friend, and they consider exploring the perspectives of other people. They discover how to be good sports. They explore leadership and what it means to care about others, and they learn to encourage those around them. They study acknowledging and responding to others, as well as the importance of exhibiting good manners and what that entails. They discover how to resolve conflicts and to deal with bullying. They study why safety precautions and rules should be obeyed, as well as ways to stay safe online. They learn how stress affects us and strategies for handling it. Students explore healthy snacking and nutrition. They study fat burning and calories. They discuss the importance of water to the body, including drinking sufficient water, and what habits they can develop to stay healthy. Students study physical fitness, and learn its components and principles. They learn about warming up, stretching, and techniques for training safely. They explore the effects of physical activity, how to stretch for sports, and how to determine whether their exercise is effective. They investigate endurance, strength, and flexibility, and the reasons to keep themselves in the healthy fitness zone and to practice heart-healthy habits. They learn the importance of pacing, breathing, and good posture. They explore aerobic capacity and the body's need for oxygen. Students study sports rules, including the rules of baseball, soccer, basketball, track and field, football, and volleyball. They learn about good sportsmanship, The course includes lesson-by-lesson assessments, and a Mid-term and Final exam.
This course does not have any sections.