Information Management I

Course Features
Course Details
Course Overview
Acellus Information Management I, taught by Todd Edmond, provides students with an introduction to how businesses use technology to manage immense amounts of data and develops general study skills for continuing education. Through historical context, extensive examples, and practice, students learn about the importance of making informed decisions based on data mining and analysis and the inquiry skills necessary to avoid pitfalls. This course develops communication skills while providing a firm foundation for students looking to excel in technology and management related advanced postsecondary degrees. Students will gain an understanding of using the Internet to promote a business and the responsibility that goes along with worldwide communications.
Acellus Information Management I is A-G approved through the University of California.

Scope and Sequence
Unit 1 – Managing Digital Information This unit focuses on the importance of computers in the 21st century and how information management has shifted from paper to digital formats. Students will develop analytical reading and writing skills through timed exercises requiring them to study several documents and then to compose a written response. Students will study the history of managing information in a business environment and how technology has changed that environment. Students develop research skills as they analyze the powers and pitfalls of the World Wide Web. Students apply reasoning and problem-solving skills to questions about the ethics of technology in the workplace and the appropriate use of Social Media. Through video and textual reading resources, students analyze concepts surrounding the pros and cons of “cloud” storage verses server storage systems. Students also learn the importance of academic and career connections. Unit 2 – Communicating Clearly In this unit students learn techniques and the benefits that come from clear communication. They develop general study skills by writing an essay requiring a thesis statement, documented proof and evidence from assigned documents, and a convincing conclusion. Students practice the various forms of communication with an emphasis on learning to customize communications based on the setting and target audience. Students analyze when it is appropriate to communicate with email verses printed letter and if there is any benefit to one over the other. Students discuss the value of formatting, proofing, editing, and using correct sentence structure. They experience the benefits of digital communications through the use of hyperlinks and websites. These skills lay foundations for major and minor studies at the university level. Formative and summative assessment is performed throughout this and all units in this course through quizzes, unit exams, and teacher-supervised activities. Unit 3 – Analyzing Table Information Students begin this unit with a discussion on the how the information about a business is important to its success or failure. Students will take part in analytical thinking exercises that will require them to choose and then defend a position on related topics. Students learn how day to day information relating to a business is often, and effectively, presented in a table. Students experience how to create a table, how to put text into a table, and how to sort data in that table. By using the table to make specific calculations, data can be analyzed by the students to make outcome predictions. When studying data presented in a table, students use problem-solving skills to identify and manipulate desired information. Students will demonstrate comprehension of table analysis as related to business finances, reports, and forecasting. In addition to quizzes and unit exams, students engage in debates and other activities to develop their oral and writing skills throughout this course. Unit 4 – Using Spreadsheets to Make Economic Choices In this unit students delve into the complexities of making sound economic choices. Through video and textual resources, students explore the versatility of using spreadsheets to format information to leverage successful decision making. Students will also engage in research requiring analytical reading skills to determine the three main ideas in each of a variety of assigned sources. Student learn how to format cells and columns, create formulas within cells, select, copy, move, or paste to best represent the information presented. Students are challenged to understand the benefits of different spreadsheet views and to hone their skills through data manipulation, formatting, and sorting exercises. Students are taught useful skills for postsecondary environments such as the ability to do scheduling, basic accounting, product sales, and the tracking of customer data within spreadsheets. Unit 5 – Data Mining and Analyzing Records This unit focuses on the basics of databases, data mining, and analyzing records while continuing to build general study skills. Students gain an understanding on the fundamental principles of creating a database and why putting information in a database is important. Students are introduced to database functions including queries. Students take part in research assignments that include verbal discussions or free response essays that will require analytical thinking. Students also practice analytical skills to determine the type of data mining to use in a query. Students will be presented with problems to solve in various database-related scenarios. Students discover how data mining can be used to find financial trends and patterns in the marketplace. Students are encouraged to use critical thinking in the formation of predictions relating to business data. Unit 6 – Building Effective Presentations In this unit students explore what makes a slide show presentation effective. Using critical thinking skills, students will analyze presentations looking at the number of slides, readability of font, simple wording, and good visual effects. Students will collaborate on group research assignments and build their communications skills through the creation of power point presentations and written outline. Presentations that use animated transitions and sounds and those that do not will be discussed and compared. Students oral and communication skills will be honed and challenged as they learn how to engage an audience with a presentation. Students learn to define the key components of effective presentations and how to deliver them. Unit 7 – Creating Effective Reports In this unit students gain a deeper knowledge how to create effective reports while the oral communications skills of the students will be strengthened through structured debate activity. Students are given opportunities to see how textual citations and footnotes are correctly used in creating good reports. The importance of accuracy and honesty in the creation of reports is stressed and discussed. Using critical and analytical thinking skills, students will be challenged to find solutions to problems cited in example reports. As operations expand to countries around the world, businesses are faced with customizing reports to new audiences and students will be exposed to these issues. Unit 8 – Using Design to Enhance Communication In this unit, students continue to advance their communications skills with further study on clear communication techniques. Students learn about the different types of document templates that are available to leverage business communications and keep things organized. Further debates with required reading and note taking will continue to develop speaking and listening skills as well as general study skills. Through video and textual resources, students gain an understanding of how to use itineraries and spreadsheets to keep a team organized and on target to reach goals. Also discussed are the benefits of knowing how to use applications and templates to create documents such as invoices, purchase orders, schedules, itineraries, and press releases. Using critical thinking and problem-solving skills, students can determine the types of forms and communication needed to make sure a clear message is being presented. Unit 9 – Managing Communications and Schedules Discussed in this unit are the benefits that come from scheduling properly and staying on top of important tasks. In a multi-part project geared for four days, students will use analytical thinking and study skills to create a presentation to share with the class. Students will be expected to produce a power point and outline adhering to specific parameters and to deliver a well-researched presentation lasting 10 to 15 minutes. Students learn about successful time management techniques and gain a working knowledge of managing contact list, emails, and meeting calendars. Students are also introduced to the various ways that digital information can be shared and the importance of keeping those communications secure. From these discussions, students compare and contrast various communication practices. Unit 10 – Creating Websites This unit introduces students to the design and creation of a successful website. They learn how websites can be a powerful tool in communicating business messages to a vast audience. Students are provided with several videos and textual resources to help them differentiate the components that go into creating a successful webpage. Student have opportunities to build skills in the business use of websites, including marketing, direct selling, research, communication, and collaboration. Students use critical thinking skills to determine the focus of a website, improve its usability through design and functionality, and optimize it for search engines. Students are given a knowledge of security issues and how to stay updated on the latest technical advances. Unit 11 – Becoming a Successful Digital Citizen In this unit students study the essential points of digital etiquette. Students learn the basic rules of respect in digital communicating via websites, videos, audio, text, and animation. Additional debate activity in this unit includes required reading and note taking which develop oral and listening skills. Students discover the laws that cover digital communication such as theft, plagiarism, and even cyber bullying. Security risks associated with digital commerce are presented to the students to give them opportunities to use problem-solving skills in finding solutions to common issues faced by business using e-commerce. The role of social media and the precautions that should be taken to protect personal information are also discussed. Unit 12 – Real-World Applications In this unit, students are presented with real-world scenarios to help them practice skills in using tables, calendars, slide presentations, managing contacts, spreadsheets, data mining, and report forms. Using critical thinking skills students get to determine what message should be communicated in each situation. Students demonstrate their understanding of data mining and using the data to create meaningful reports to communicate with a team. Students will be required to analyze a selection of reading assignments, further developing their analytical thinking skills. Throughout this and all units of this course, students will interact with computer-based video, diagrams, and assessments which provide opportunities to enhance their technology skills. Unit 13 – Introduction to Power Points (Proper Business Use) In this unit, students delve into the effective usage of Power Points. Students learn to develop a compelling presentation, modify that presentation to fit unique needs, and utilize the various views of the Power Point program. An emphasis is placed on acquainting students with the extended abilities of Power Point and their practical application. These include slide layouts and designs, tables, clip art, printing capabilities, speaker notes, hyperlinks, outlines, and handouts. From this foundation, student are required to use analytical thinking to identify effective business applications of the academic knowledge acquired. Finally, students compare and contrast the pros and cons of Power Point to determine its applicability and practicality in various scenarios.#header {padding-top:15px;} #wrap h5 { font-family: Open Sans !important;} #wrap #header #nav > li > a { color:;} #wrap #header #nav > li > a:hover,.transparent-header-w.t-dark-w #header.horizontal-w.duplex-hd #wrap #header #nav > li:hover > a, .transparent-header-w #header.horizontal-w #wrap #header #nav > li:hover > a {color:;} #wrap #header #nav > li.current > a, #wrapv #header #nav li.current ul li a:hover, #wrap #header #nav > > a {color:;} #wrap #scroll-top a {background-color:;} #wrap #scroll-top a:hover {background-color:;} #wrap.colorskin-custom .course-content .products li a.add_to_cart_button,.colorskin-custom .llms-notice a,.colorskin-custom .llms-checkout-section a,#wrap.colorskin-custom .wn-course-progress a:hover,.colorskin-custom .llms-access-plan-footer .llms-button-action.button,.colorskin-custom .llms-access-plan-restrictions ul 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