Grade 3 Social Studies

Course Features
Course Duration: Full Year
Category: Elementary, History/Social Studies
Assessment: Lesson Practice, Unit Exams, Mid-Term Exam, Final Exam
Language: English
Course Details
Course Overview
Acellus Grade 3 Social Studies focuses on the importance communities - how they work together, how varying conditions may affect them, and how they have evolved over time. Students learn about United States history and the events that brought our nation to what it is today. They will study commerce, currency, and decision-making in connection with saving and spending.
Acellus Grade 3 Social Studies is taught by Acellus Instructor Todd Edmond.
Sample Lesson - Virtual Field Trip

Scope and Sequence
Unit 1 As the course begins, students will explore communities and their qualities. Learners will discover the history and the rules of communities. Lastly, they will look into urban and rural communities and how they differ from college towns. Unit 2 This unit investigates maps and globes before transitioning to land features and water sources. Next, students will explore renewable and non-renewable resources, how disasters impact people, and how water can make electricity. As the unit ends, they will cover controlling pollution and resource conservation. Unit 3 Unit three begins by exploring community change over time, upward expansion, and community equality. Students will then cover changes in communication, transportation, and homes over time. Next, they will explore ancient communities, such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, before finishing with the history and background of America. Unit 4 Students will begin unit four by studying the Bill of Rights and the peoples' responsibility as citizens. They will explore notable figures such as Jimmy Carter and Rosa Parks and the impact they had on citizenship. Learners will complete the unit by investigating the different facets of the American Government and the governments of our neighbors. Unit 5 This unit begins by covering immigration, city cultures, and American landmarks and holidays. Next, students will explore the traditions and religions in a community, followed by cultural holidays and New Year's celebrations around the world. Unit 6 Learners begin unit six by examining the co-dependent relationship of producers and consumers. After this, they will investigate resources and goods, as well as buying and selling. The unit closes by exploring the American economy and how families make and use money. Unit 7 Unit seven explores important American figures. Students start with Fredrick Law Olmsted, Sylvia Earle, and Benjamin Franklin. Next, they will examine Thomas Jefferson, Cesar Chavez, and Maya Lin, before ending with Madam C.J. Walker. Unit 8 This unit discovers notable locations and events in the United States. Learners will explore Washington D.C., Yellowstone National Park, and the National Storytelling Festival. They will close out the unit by examining the White House, Ellis Island, and Boston. Unit 9 As the course draws to a close, students will examine themselves by deciding what they like best about their community, how they can volunteer, and how they can help better their school. Finally, they explore maps of the United States, the world, and their state.
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