German II

Course Features
Course Details
Course Overview
Acellus German II expands students' understanding of the German language and culture, presenting language organized by topic and expanding grammar and vocabulary. Students are taught about past and future tense, as well as how to talk about the body, clothing, shopping, the market, vacation, travel, sports, and recreation, etc. German II is taught by Acellus Course Instructor Kris Scheuerman.
Sample Lesson - Vocabulary: On the Farm Nouns 1

Scope and Sequence
Unit 1 - Clothing and Shopping This unit discusses the future tense, demonstrating with the word verden. Next present perfect tense is explored, including using a participle and haben/sem. The unit continues with a vocabulary session on verbs about clothing and shopping, an irregular verb review, and how to speak about how things look. The unit concludes with a discussion of how to ask what kind or type something is and a vocabulary session on nouns about clothing and shopping. Unit 2 - Case This unit explores definite and indefinite articles and possessive adjectives. Next, the nominative case for the sentence subject, the accusative case for the sentence direct object, and the dative case for the sentence indirect object are discussed. Finally, students are introduced to clothing and shopping nouns. Unit 3 - Around the House In this unit students are taught household nouns and verbs, accusative and dative prepositions, when to use the preposition zu versus the preposition nach, and how to navigate multi-level buildings. This is followed by a discussion of nominative, accusative, and dative pronouns and when it is appropriate to use pronouns. The unit concludes with a discussion of household nouns, how to change the direct or indirect object to a pronoun, and changing the direct object to a pronoun with an indirect object. Unit 4 -Words Describing the Body This unit focuses on the words describing the body. Students learn body part nouns and verbs, as well as words for feelings, illnesses, and abilities. In addition, the unit discusses accusative and dative reflexive verbs, and adjective endings. Unit 5 - Transportation and Travel This unit discusses travel. Students are taught nouns and verbs to use when speaking about travel, about public transportation in Germany, and about how to navigate the Berlin subway. Also covered are purchasing a train ticket at a vending machine (automat), and using coordinating conjunctions. Unit 6 - Vacationing in Germany In this unit, students are taught verbs about vacationing in Germany. Also discussed are modal verbs -- simple past tense -- and modal verbs in simple past tense. The unit concludes with irregular verbs and verb-endings, and mixed prepositions. Unit 7 - On the Farm In this unit students learn words that would be used at a farm. It covers covers both farm nouns and farm verbs, followed by infinitive verbs used as nouns, and genitive case introduction. Unit 8 - Sports and Recreation This unit focuses on sports and recreation. Lessons introduce verbs and nouns about these subjects, about watching TV, and about the game of soccer. Also introduced is the genitive case. Unit 9 - Eating Out In this unit students are taught words they will need when eating at a restaurant. Nouns and verbs about restaurants are introduced, along with restaurant culture and phrases. Also discussed are different ways to order food and words used for paying the bill. Unit 10 - At the Market This unit explores shopping at the market. Market nouns are discussed, and students are introduced to Germany's market culture as well as German pricing.
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