AP Statistics

Course Features
Course Details
Course Overview
AP Statistics has been audited and approved by the College Board to provide students with a college-level learning experience. In this course, students learn about the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students should successfully complete Algebra II prior to taking this course. This course is California A-G approved.
Acellus AP Statistics is taught by Acellus Course Instructor, Kristina Francis.
Sample Video — Statistics: Data

Scope and Sequence
Unit 1 In this unit, students learn about what statistics are and how the information they learn will help them. They discuss data, bar graphs, and pie charts, two-way tables, dotplots, stemplots, and histograms. They also study measuring center and measuring spread, and look at sample Free-Response Advance Placement Exam Problems (F.R.A.P.P.Y's). Unit 2 In this unit students learn about measuring position, transforming data, density curves, and standard normal distribution. They explore normal distribution calculations, assessing normality, and more F.R.A.P.P.Y's. Unit 3 In this unit students discuss explanatory/response variables and scatterplots, measuring linear association: correlation, least-squares regression, and line and residual plots. They also investigate S and r2 in regression, and interpreting computer regression output. Unit 4 In this unit, students study simple random sampling, sampling methods, sample surveys, and what can go wrong with them. They also learn about observational study versus experiment, how to experiment well, what things can go wrong with experiments. In addition, they learn about blocking and the challenges of establishing causation. Unit 5 In this unit students explore probability, myths about randomness, simulation, and the basic rules of probability. They also discuss tables, rules, and diagrams, as well as the general multiplication rule, tree diagrams, and a special multiplication rule. Unit 6 In this unit, students investigate the mean of a discrete random variable, standard deviation of a discrete random variable, and linear transformations. They also study combining random variables, binomial settings and binomial probabilities, as well as mean/standard deviation in binomial distribution and geometric random variables. Following this unit, students are presented with the Mid-term Review and Exam. Unit 7 In this unit students are introduced to interference and learn about describing sampling distributions. They also discuss the sampling distribution of p and of x, and the central limit theorem. Unit 8 In this unit students learn about interpreting confidence intervals and levels, more on confidence intervals, constructing a confidence interval for p, and choosing a sample size. They also explore the t distributions, confidence interval, and choosing a sample size. Unit 9 In this unit students study stating hypotheses and significance tests, as well as Type I and Type II errors. They also discuss the one-sample z test for a proportion, the one-sample t test, and inference for means: paired data. Unit 10 In this unit students explore sampling distribution with proportions, confidence intervals between two proportions, and significance tests between two proportions. They also study the sampling distribution between two means, and the two-sample t-tests. Unit 11 In this unit students gain understanding of the chi-square statistic and carrying out a chi-square test. They also learn about the chi-square test for homogeneity and the chi-square test for independence. Unit 12 In this unit students study sampling distribution and regression conditions and constructing a confidence interval for the slope. They also explore performing a significant test for the slope, and transforming with logarithms. This unit is followed by the Final Review and Exam.
This course does not have any sections.