Grade 3 Math provides an engaging learning experience for creative minds. Throughout this course, students learn about multiplication and division strategies within 100. They develop a strong foundation of fractions wherein they examine and...
The Acellus Grade 5 Math course gives students an exciting perspective of Math used in the real world. Throughout this course, students will develop a fluency in addition and subtraction of fractions, as well...
Acellus Wyoming State History is an elementary-level course that covers the long and colorful history of a state that has known dinosaurs, native Americans, mountain men, and cowboys, as well as missionaries, wagon trains,...
In the Acellus STEM 3: Electronics and Coding course, students are taught the fundamental principles and aspects of electronics, as well as basic coding for electronics. Utilizing the JavaScript language and an on-screen circuit-board...
Dr. Pajet Monet uses the PE - Intro to Social Emotional Learning - Elementary School course as a platform from which to engage elementary-age students in a journey of discovering the social and emotional...
The Acellus Elementary Social Development course is the first course in the elementary pathway focused on social development and emotional well being. Taught by Dr. Pajet Monet, this course addresses basic social and emotional...
Acellus STEM 2: JavaScript is the second coding course in the Acellus STEM-10 initiative. Students are taught how to code first with Blockly and then with JavaScript source code. With Blockly, everything is done...
In the Acellus STEM 1: Introduction to Coding course, students are taught how to program using the Blockly coding language. With Blockly, everything is done with little building blocks that snap together in an...
This Elementary Engineering course introduces students to the basics of engineering and analyzes the major impact engineers have had on the world as we know it. Students will study each step of the engineering...
The Elementary Ecology course, targeted for Grades 2-4, is taught by Ms. Emily Rogers. Ms. Rogers engages students by teaching them the food chain in the context of specific ecosystems. She explores changes to...
The Grade 3 Science course is taught Acellus instructors including Latricia Harper. The course investigates topics in life science, earth science, and physics, as well as technology and astronomy. Engaging on-camera experiments and examples...
The Grade 2 Science course investigates animal life, plant life, weather, water, and physics, as well as technology and astronomy.
Engaging on-camera experiments and examples help deepen students' understanding of the concepts presented.
Course topics...