Educators today are faced with the incredible challenge of reaching every student, regardless of differing academic skill levels, and often special needs and requirements. Acellus was designed to empower educators to connect with each learner, and cater the educational experience to meet their specific needs. Acellus courses adapt to the skill-set, and level of the student, fine-tuning the learning experience to be achievable, while still maintaining the academic rigor and integrity required to fulfill state and national standards.
Connecting with Each Learner
Acellus takes care of the time consuming mundane tasks, that often impede teachers’ ability to spend their day teaching.
Assignments and lessons are automatically delivered to students based on the curricula chosen by the teacher. Quizzes, assessments and exams are automatically graded by Acellus – the reports are automatically generated, and can be accessed at any time. Attendance and time spent on task is marked automatically, and a report generated for the teacher.
Knowledge is Power
Acellus gives teachers real-time reports on each student in their class, and an incredible amount of data, down to very minute details. Acellus keeps record of each time students log into the system, the amount of time they spend on each task, and every answer they input into the system. Using this data, teachers can very easily see not only if their students are struggling in a course, or on a concept, but they have all of the data they need to help the student fill that particular gap in their knowledge, empowering the student to succeed – transforming their “stuck” students into successful learners.
The Live Class Monitor
The Live Class Monitor is a tool that gives teachers live updates on student progress. The Monitor shows each student’s status and is color coded by priority like a stop light.
- The GREEN Active status indicates the student is effectively progressing.
- A YELLOW Extra Help Video status indicates that Acellus is slowing down and providing additional instruction on the concept at hand.
- The RED Needs Help status indicates that’s the student is stuck and needs assistance.
By selecting on a student, the teacher has access to a detailed report showing the student’s mastery on every concept that’s been presented. By selecting on a concept the teacher can view every response alongside the acceptable answers and access the problem that was presented to the student.
With all this data available to the teacher, the Live Class Monitor assists teachers in identifying who needs their help the very most, they can dig into the details and provide the right student with the right help, and just the right time. Teachers can then refer to Live Class Monitor again to see which student needs their help the most at that point in time.
True Personalized Learning
Acellus offers educators an expansive suite of online courses, covering mathematics, science, social studies, language arts and reading, Kindergarten through 12th grade. Acellus also covers courses for credit recovery, career and technical education, CollegeBoard Approved Advanced Placement programs, and electives. Acellus offers a mainstream version of the core classes, and also offers a special education track of courses for special needs learners, a honors track for gifted and advanced learners, as well as a remedial selection of courses. Many times students in the same classroom have such different learning needs, that to teach on every level is almost impossible. Acellus affords the opportunity for every student to not only go at their own pace, but also be in a course of study that is appropriate for their needs. Teachers have access to the complete suite of courses, allowing them to truly personalize the education for every learner.

The Acellus Teacher Interface
My Desk

The Teacher’s Desk features an interactive screen that provides up-to-date Acellus information ranging from how many Homework assignments are due to the current number of Upcoming Events. It also gives teachers quick links to features like the Live Class Monitor and the GradeBook, giving them the latest details on how their students are doing.


Student Reports offer several detailed lists of data for teacher and parent analysis. Teachers can see exactly which concepts a student is struggling with, as well as their grades and class attendance. The student data is readily accessible through the Acellus Student Search. Teachers can select a letter on the alphabet menu to search by last name, or type a students’ name into the search box to view a list of results.

The Acellus Gradebook stores an amazing amount of data and information on every student in every course. Whether your school provides daily, weekly, or monthly grades – the Acellus Gradebook can handle it. As students work through their individual Acellus Courses, their grades on teacher-controlled assignments are automatically updated. Teachers can also input their own assignment grades and adjust the weighting curve.


Custom Lessons

Class Set-Up

Acellus Library